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Welcome to my ChessCoin blog!

You find here my new blog entries for ChessCoin (the 2017 blog is here).

My time is as precious as yours:
    your donations will show me that you think the same.


reviving... blockhashes of the ChessCoin blockchain (2019 October 24)

"This project provides blockhashes for the ChessCoin blockchain,
and with this tries to give more trust into the blockchain (via timestamp here, see github commits).."

"use cases, e.g.:
* a block explorer shows you data: can you trust it? ... Why? It is controlled by 1 person who can edit his database at any point :-(
thus, check it with here. (Also, don't trust me, check my data here with a block explorer :-) )

* new users sync the chain: they can stop syncing when they see they are on a fork (hashes do NOT match) ..."
see on github    (x-post)

revert hard fork (2019 October 10)

Everyone who was on the hard fork (v1.1.0, (1)):
   revert again to chesscoin v1.0.0.0 (see yesterday's post).

I wonder why the hard fork was revoked - after running for about 2 weeks (Sep 28 - Oct 9)? (x-post)
  I also had this problem, that I could NOT sync the new client from fresh :-( (2) Was it this?

Users wondered for this hard fork, e.g.:
  "Where is the value in keeping a wallet open to help the chain?at 0.32 percent sync up close wallet wait a yr resync and close dont make sence to me?" (link)
  "Why did HardFork occur? Has there been a change in CHESS?" (link)

 one reply here.

- Sep 17: fork "before the fork" (Sep 17)
- Sep 20: hard fork announced
- Sep 28: hard fork at block 1999793: Sep.28.2019 - Time stamp: 16:06
- Oct 9: hard fork canceled (yesterday, Oct. 9)

(1) v1.1 wallet info:
Hard fork at block 1999793
Blocktime 5min / 210000 transactions (v1.0.0.0 has every minute a block)
PoS 0.32% (not 32% anymore)
link, download link gone

(2) SetBestChain: new best=000003129e4a9316e84d height=1 trust=2097154 blocktrust=1048577 date=06/05/16 16:27:25 ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
received block 000009f9a193f0c90f82
SetBestChain: new best=000009f9a193f0c90f82 height=2 trust=3145731 blocktrust=1048577 date=06/05/16 16:27:35
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
received block 00000916f384751c12b4
ERROR: AcceptBlock() : incorrect proof-of-work


fresh addresses in the top44 (2018 January 9)

I see over the last 2 days freshly created addresses being positioned in the top list.
I guess some whale is distributing his wealth into smaller parts?

top50 movements

x-post: bitcointalk

55% of coins are held by 20 addresses (January 9)

The top5 addresses hold over 20 million coins (27%), the top12: 31 million (42%) and the top20 hold 55% of all coins (41 mio). Data is about 2h old

coin distribution

x-post: bitcointalk, twitter

to future readers: crosspost links added (January 9)

I'm adding now also "x-post" links at end of the posts, so you can use the "time machine" to see community's feedback on issues.

in last 8h: >500000 coins generated (January 9)

More than half a million coins have been generated - in the last 8h only. Currently 84% of all coins (>62.7 million coins) are mined and distributed.
More details later.

x-post: bitcointalk

about the whale effect: demotivating + RMSS (reaching max supply sooner) (January 6)

I perceived the whale(s) appearance as negative. Why? Read here
At the same time it also brings us closer to: what we should with the max supply? see here

the richest address generated 2 million coins in 19h (January 6)

Looking at the top61 richest addresses (the data is about 1h old now), I see this:

* the top address (CJepFg2b7Jyd6JXjAtHAFfX7pJ5ZRZ6rF1) staked in 19h: 1.96 million coins (and it will be more, b/c we still have a high net weight: 630 million atm)
* the 2nd richest address (Cd5cAPMxYBzYHGUfsdzR4ddSD5WgKxSLFh) seems to have moved their coins to another address (Cc98koAmWWo15jXvrcX7Qd7qHPufSB6mAM)


x-post: bitcointalk

over 61 million ChessCoins (January 6)

It seems the whale(s) want to reach the max supply sooner than anticipated... We are currently at 61.27 million generated coins.

Or in other words: in the last 15.5h there were created 2.1% of all CHESS coins (1.6 million coins) to exist (max supply is: 74.66 million coins).

Our net weight is still large (currently 825 million net weight).

x-post: bitcointalk

60 million ChessCoins, and whales appeared (January 5)

We've generated 60 million CHESS coins today. Made possible also because of whale(s) appearance who increased the net weight massively:

The max in this picture (4.5h snapshot) is 1933.9 million net weight and the minimum: 153 mio.

net weight CHESS coin for 4.5h

x-post: bitcointalk

What are your thoughts on ChessCoin's max supply? (January 5)

There is some feedback on my post from yesterday. What do you think?

differences in opinions (2018 January 4)

This was the 2nd time in last 2 weeks (see also 2017 Dec 26) where I observed - let's call it: colorful discussion - between people. I wonder what makes them act that way?
Anyways, if you have lots of free time, feel free to take on some ChessCoin tasks :-)

2017 blog: 16 blog posts

You can find my blog musings from 2017 here.